Schemas and Types

Type language

GraphQL services can be written in any language. Since we can’t rely on a specific programming language syntax, like JavaScript, to talk about GraphQL schemas, we’ll define our own simple language. We’ll use the “GraphQL schema language” - it’s similar to the query language, and allows us to talk about GraphQL schemas in a language-agnostic way.

Object types and fields

The most basic components of a GraphQL schema are object types, which just represent a kind of object you can fetch from your service, and what fields it has. In the GraphQL schema language, we might represent it like this:

type Character {
  name: String!
  appearsIn: [Episode!]!

The language is pretty readable, but let’s go over it so that we can have a shared vocabulary:

  • Character is a GraphQL Object Type, meaning it’s a type with some fields. Most of the types in your schema will be object types.
  • name and appearsIn are fields on the Character type. That means that name and appearsIn are the only fields that can appear in any part of a GraphQL query that operates on the Character type.
  • String is one of the built-in scalar types - these are types that resolve to a single scalar object, and can’t have sub-selections in the query. We’ll go over scalar types more later.
  • String! means that the field is non-nullable, meaning that the GraphQL service promises to always give you a value when you query this field. In the type language, we’ll represent those with an exclamation mark.
  • [Episode!]! represents an array of Episode objects. Since it is also non-nullable, you can always expect an array (with zero or more items) when you query the appearsIn field. And since Episode! is also non-nullable, you can always expect every item of the array to be an Episode object.

Enumeration types

Also called Enums, enumeration types are a special kind of scalar that is restricted to a particular set of allowed values. This allows you to:

  1. Validate that any arguments of this type are one of the allowed values
  2. Communicate through the type system that a field will always be one of a finite set of values

Here’s what an enum definition might look like in the GraphQL schema language:

enum Episode {


Like many type systems, GraphQL supports interfaces. An Interface is an abstract type that includes a certain set of fields that a type must include to implement the interface.

For example, you could have an interface Character that represents any character in the Star Wars trilogy:

interface Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!

This means that any type that implements Character needs to have these exact fields, with these arguments and return types.

For example, here are some types that might implement Character:

type Human implements Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!
  starships: [Starship]
  totalCredits: Int
type Droid implements Character {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  friends: [Character]
  appearsIn: [Episode]!
  primaryFunction: String